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E-Collar Feeding

  • The bowl can be placed at shoulder height for any dog.

  • Your pet’s head is elevated with the snout having easy access to the bowl even with the e-collar on.

  • Your pet doesn’t have to fight the e-collar to reach the food or water in the bowl.

  • The risk of gulping and taking in air is lessened.

  • The risk of bloating is lessened.

  • The bowl is made of food-grade polypropylene. Polypropylene containers do not leach harmful chemicals into foods or liquids. The plastic does not break and create sharp edges.

  • The bowl is easy to clean and dishwasher safe

the pet bowl makes it easier for the dog to eat wearing an e-collar
pets eating and drinking with restrictive e-collars

Elizabethan Collars (E-Collars) often prevent dogs from

eating and drinking comfortably.

E-collars are necessary but make feeding a challenge.

Our Elevated Pet Bowl Product Is The Solution To The E-Collar!

Your pet can eat and drink comfortably

without the cone getting in the way!

using an elevated pet bowl is more comfortable for dogs wearing e-collars

• Dogs Don't Like E-Collars But Have to Wear Them
• E-Collars Are Uncomfortable But Necessary
• Elizabethan Collars (E-Collars) Are Challenging

The Elevated Pet Bowl and E-collars​

If an E-collar is needed, an Elevated Pet Bowl should be provided.

vets dog feeding.webp

Elizabethan Collars (E-collars) are necessary but often prevent dogs from eating and drinking comfortably. The Elevated Pet Bowl solves the problem by elevating the bowl to shoulder height so the pet can comfortably access the food or water.

There’s no more fighting the e-collar to reach inside the bowl.

There’s less panic and gulping is lessened.

Contact Kennel-Gear at +1-303-536-4535

to discuss our E-Collar Relief Program.

We help veterinarians help their customers by providing a proven E-Collar solution.

How It Works

made in USA patented
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